Birthday Wishes
The morning dawns cold as the sun rises high
While I watch from my place in my bed
A contemplative air fills these earliest hours
And thoughts without words fill my head
As I contemplate silently, tears in my eyes
Memories flood through my mind
Of birthdays before when I’d rise as today
With an air of a different kind
I remember your favorite was angel food cake
With strawberries, sugar, and cream
I remember the times when I made it for you
Now it seems like a faraway dream
I remember I made you a necklace one year
Stringing dozens of beads late at night
Now those same tiny beads adorn my neck instead
And tears fill my eyes at the sight
Happy birthday, my dear, along with a prayer
How I wish it could be as before
There isn’t a day that I don’t think of you
But today my heart aches a bit more