This blouse is another one of my sister’s projects. Several years ago I asked her to make me a blouse for my birthday using the same pattern as my white fitted blouse. I asked that it be pink with a different neckline and short sleeves, and decorated with whatever she thought would look good. I don’t remember if I specifically …
Pink Button Blouse – Lekala Sewing Pattern
This is the other blouse I made for my older sister along with the blouse with buttons. When I was looking through the Lekala catalog for a couple of blouses to make for her, I came across this pattern for a button-up blouse. I liked the classic look of the buttons and the shape of the yoke. I also liked …
Pink Fleece Raglan Blouse
So in my last post when I wrote a bit about my younger sister, I mentioned her creative talents and how she created many beautiful things. I also mentioned how I would share her many creations. This is the first one I’ve decided to share. I believe this was the first article of clothing that she ever made for me. …
Rhapsody Tee – Crochet Testing
In April of last year, I came across a testing call for this lovely tee by Susanna Biaye of Fosbas Designs. I was thrilled when I was accepted to test for her, and very excited since it also happened to be the first time I ever tested a crochet pattern for a designer. Since I’m posting all my projects on …
Princess Dress for Barbie – Part 2: Sewing the Bodice
So after finishing the planning stage of this project, I was ready to start sewing. First, the bodice. This took a bit longer than I had planned, because I guess I should have done a bit more planning. First, I cut out the pieces for the bodice and sleeves from pink satin. Because this fabric frays practically just from touching …
Princess Dress for Barbie – Part 1: Planning
So I was working on a different post that I’ve been meaning to finish and publish, but lately I’ve been absorbed in a totally different project. I’ve spent a lot of time on the preliminaries and it’s gone very slowly, but I’m finally to the point where I have everything I need to get started. This post is going to …
Simplicity 8390 Vintage Blouse – Black with Copihue Flowers
I know. I was supposed to post about the dress I made using this vintage Simplicity pattern. But I decided to write about this blouse first. The dress will have to wait for the next post. After I made the first blouse with this pattern, I had to make one for my youngest sister. We went shopping for fabric and …
Simplicity 8390 Vintage Blouse – Black with Red Flowers
This blouse was actually the very first thing I made from a pattern after learning to sew. When my dad went to take care of things at my grandmother’s house after she passed away, he came home with a box full of sewing patterns that she had used when my mother was growing up. This pattern was among them. My …
Maroon Brocade – My First Real Corset
After my previous corset attempt in 2017, a year later I decided to try again. This time I started with a real corset pattern: the Cupid corset. This is a beautiful pattern, and it came with a booklet that included a materials list, fabric suggestions, how to pick a size, tips on altering a corset, pattern notes, assembly tips, and …

Lacy Heart Fingerless Gloves
It seems like hearts are on everybody’s mind right now. On that note, here is a lovely, heart-themed accessory that is super quick to work up. These would be perfect as a gift for a cherished friend or family member, or something nice for yourself. I used Red Heart With Love in Bubblegum for the pink trim. Since I wasn’t …