It’s time for the next entry in the Simplicity 8390 Vintage Blouse series. I actually started working on this blouse years ago, back when I was learning to sew. This was shortly after I made the black blouse with red flowers, the black blouse with copihue, and the green dress. I had originally planned to make a blue blouse with …
Simplicity 8390 Vintage Blouse – Holly Dress
Here is the second dress I made using the vintage Simplicity 8390 pattern. In case you missed it, the first was this green dress. I guess I was sort of on a roll making things from this pattern. When I found this holly fabric in the store, I knew I had to make a dress from it, and this pattern …
Simplicity 8390 Vintage Blouse – Green Dress
My last posts were about the first blouse I made from a real pattern, and then the second one I made from it. Today I’m showing you the next thing I did with that same pattern. I made it into a dress! For this project I chose a dark green cotton poplin. I also got some light green for a …
Simplicity 8390 Vintage Blouse – Black with Copihue Flowers
I know. I was supposed to post about the dress I made using this vintage Simplicity pattern. But I decided to write about this blouse first. The dress will have to wait for the next post. After I made the first blouse with this pattern, I had to make one for my youngest sister. We went shopping for fabric and …
Simplicity 8390 Vintage Blouse – Black with Red Flowers
This blouse was actually the very first thing I made from a pattern after learning to sew. When my dad went to take care of things at my grandmother’s house after she passed away, he came home with a box full of sewing patterns that she had used when my mother was growing up. This pattern was among them. My …